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Booking Details

Please check your email inbox, spam, and junk folders. If you still can't find your confirmation, click here to sign in and view your booking/confirmation. If you still cannot find your confirmation, please send us an email using the support form here.
It depends on the property's policy. Additional costs for children, including extra beds/cribs, aren't included in the reservation price. Contact the property directly for this information.
This depends on the property. They’ll likely do their best to meet your needs but can't guarantee your request. You may contact the property to request an early or late check-in/check-out.
You should first check if the new date is available for your booking. If it is, cancel your existing booking and rebook the new date. Cancellation fees are determined by the property and listed in your cancellation policy. You'll pay any additional costs to the property.
If you received a confirmation email with a booking reference number, your booking was confirmed. Some properties experience delays fetching recent bookings from the central reservation system.
Show the section of your confirmation with the heading “For the hotel front desk”, and they’ll use the information to verify your booking.


PayPal is our trusted partner, and they process all payments for Blowwow.com. Credit cards are the most widely-accepted payment method. However, PayPal does allow you to pay with your PayPal credit.
The accepted payment types for your accommodations will be listed in your booking confirmation. You can also call them to double-check what they accept if it’s not listed on the confirmation.
Yes – a refund will trigger a cancellation and cancellation fees are determined by the property and listed in your cancellation policy. You'll pay any additional costs to the property.
Click here to sign in and cancel your booking.


If you have a free cancellation booking, you won't pay a cancellation fee. If your booking has passed the free cancellation date or is non-refundable, you may incur a cancellation fee. Cancellation fees are determined by the property, and you'll pay any additional costs to the property.
Please review the cancellation policy section of your booking confirmation.
Yes – cancellation fees are determined by the property and listed in your cancellation policy. You'll pay any additional costs to the property.
Click here to sign in and cancel your booking.
After you cancel a booking with us, you should get an email confirming the cancellation. Make sure to check your inbox and spam/junk mail folders. If you don’t receive an email within 24 hours, contact the property to confirm they got your cancellation.
You can find this in your booking confirmation.

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